Inverted Classroom with ARSnova

Demonstration video from Juergen Handke: The Inverted Classroom at the University of Marburg

With the teaching method „Inverted Classroom“, also referred to as “Flipped Classroom”, the first exposure of class content takes place outside of the classroom e.g. by watching a created lecture video or by completing a reading assignment. This way more time is available during the lecture for questions and for getting a better understanding of the learning material. Ideally, the teaching method „Inverted Classroom“ combines the methods „Just-in-Time Teaching“ (JiTT) and „Peer Instruction“ created by Eric Mazu.

ARSnova is the only feedback and voting tool that supports all ICM Phases:

  1. Preparation phase:  The lecture videos can be integrated directly into the ARSnova-Questions via YouTube or Vimeo links. Each lecture video has related questions for examining the attentiveness of the reader and his/her understanding of the mediated content in the video (see the preparation tasks in the Preparatory Questions in the Demo Session). The evaluation of the preparatory questions and the type of questions posed by the students, serve as a basis for making adjustments in the teaching strategy, which is based on the JiTT method.
  2. Attendance phase: The knowledge acquired by the students in the preparation phase allows the use of higher quality didactic, conceptual questions during the lecture, which is based on the Peer-Instruction-Method. ARSnova supports the logistics of this method with two rounds of time limited voting, using a countdown timer. Time limited voting system of two rounds..
  3. Follow-up-phase: For self-assessments and exam preparations, ARSnova provides the question format “Flashcard”. In a second accompanying ARSnova session, which functions as a Flashcard (a learning tool developed from Leitner), the instructor can formulate the key terms, methods and sources of the last lesson on the back of a flashcard. It can also incorporate different types of media forms (images, videos, podcasts and websites) on the front and back of a flashcard.

Demonstration video from Fidelma Rigby, School of Medicine, Virginia Commonwealth University

Just-in-Time Teaching (JiTT) is a teaching method, based on the feedback from the students about their homework, in order to prepare customized content for the next lecture. The involvement and motivation of the students are to be encouraged through feedback, so that the efficiency of face-to-face teaching can be improved.

ARSnova supports JiTT didactics by differentiating between preparation tasks and lecture questions (see info graphic). Moreover, it gives students the option to ask their own questions anonymously. The evaluated feedback from the day before the lecture (answering the preparatory questions, questions of the students) allows the instructor to adjust the content of their lecture to the actual needs of students.

Ansicht in der Rolle Student/in

Ansicht in der Rolle Dozent/in

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